OK so most of you should know by now my brother has joined the military. Well this week on Friday, Dec 5Th, 2008 he will be going before the general in which he will tell him wither he is fit enough to stay & lead men or he needs to go home. So I started to listen to people around me & at first people kept saying "are you worried"? Others said they were worried for him. But I realized amongst all the emotions of Tyler Graduating on 12/12/08 that we shouldn't worry he wouldn't make it to Graduation. Because if we all worry we are telling God that we don't trust what he has in store for Tyler. I believe that if God wants Tyler to be in the military for the next 8years then he will make a way for him to succeed. If not then Tyler will come home this weekend. If Tyler comes home this weekend then maybe God's purpose was for him to have a change in attitude in which I have been told his attitude has changed for the better.
So what I am getting at is if we worry which all humans do then we are telling God we don't trust his plans for our lives. No I am not saying that I don't ever worry because I do & yes sometimes it's hard for we Christians not to worry. We worry especially because of the way the economy looks but I am sure that if money is tight we could all cut out stuff.
For Ex: Cut back on going out to eat and cook at home. Cut back you 1000 & some channels to 50 or even do without cable trust me I know it want kill you because it didn't kill Tyler and myself for 3 - 4 months. Cut back on Internet I am sure you can find it cheaper or cut it off & go to the library when you need it. We can all find things in our budgets to cut back if you say you can't buy this or you can't pay this bill.
I know I may have been a little to blunt but it's been on my heart for awhile. I have cut back on my Starbucks cups of coffee, my going out to eat everyday for lunch, not going to get a biscuit for breakfast. I can honestly say I have cut my budget some weeks I may have $0.01 to my name but it's OK because I am paying my bills.
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